
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Emotional Journey - Joseph, 46 years old, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Joseph came for an emotional journey as he was completely lost in his relationship and business even though he already had some knowledge in spirituality. He was living in  the past and looking forward to stay in the now. Due to his emotional instability he was blaming his partner and for many years he couldn't see that she was also unstable and needed mental care. He realized that this relationship had been over years ago but he was trapped in several negative emotions. His business has prospered and he met his soul mate and married her.  They are now traveling together and expanding the business.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life Coach - Lourdes, 55 years old, Berlin, Germany.

Lourdes was referred to me by a client of mine. Lourdes and I decided to do a life coaching session by phone because  this would be more appropriate to release all the family issues. She was ready for the process and accepting every step of it. She discovered her weaknesses and how it was affecting the dynamics of  her family. She realized that she was emotionally unstable  and was allowing the external world to dictate her life.  Now she is grateful for her family and understanding how simple it is to live life. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Emotional Journey - Lauren, 14 year-old, Nitero'i, Brazil.

Lauren was a very shy person and had a lot of anger. Her mother asked me for help. During the process  Lauren could not understand the meaning of God. She was really lost. It took  her forty minutes to open up for the healing that was going to take place. Then she started smiling and said that there was a possibility that she could feel the Light. The process continued and she recognized  the presence of her father in her life by accepting and forgiving him, feeling proud of the being that he is.  She also started expressing love by hugging him daily. After this process Lauren made the decision of going to Europe to study for a year and is doing very well.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Emotional Journey – Carmen, 50 years old, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Carmen came to see me because she was having issues with her father and could no longer deal with it alone. During our first session she discovered that she was blocking the relationship by rejecting her father’s love in the way he could give it to her. She heard her soul telling her that she was ready to declare her love for him through communication. A few days later they happened to bump into each other and she felt that somehow he knew that she had changed and was ready to accept his love. She hugged him and told him “I love you”. She later accepted a position within his well established business and she is now working with him on a full time basis and helping him to expand the business even more. Through continued therapy sessions she discovered that she wanted to study spirituality in order to further her healing and to understand the process of life.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Life Coaching – Henrique, 14 years old, Miami Beach, Florida

Henrique’s mother called me and pre-booked five sessions for him. Henrique was aggressive, addicted to computer games, and had no social interaction. He became more opened after each session and understood that unconditional love was on standby inside of him. In our third meeting he told me how beautiful the sky, the wind, and the trees were and how he realized that he could play outside with other kids. He mentioned that he no longer wanted to keep his bedroom door locked and so I suggested that he could experiment leaving the door a little bit opened to see how he would feel about it, and to observe how others would respect his space. Henrique was also concerned whether their dog would respect his space. I told him that he would have to train the dog what his space preference was.  In our last session he was proud to let me know that he no longer wanted to play computer games and that he was ready to play sports outside with a group of friends he choose to be with. He mentioned that the dog was the first one to respect his change. Henrique is now leaving a free life and understands that he can be happy anywhere.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Emotional Journey - Carolina, 18 years old, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Carolina was introduced to me by her mother who was desperate for help as she had been depressed for years. Carolina discovered her inner power in her second emotional journey. She started feeling the strength she never felt before because she learned that she could trade in the negative emotions for the positive feelings and live in touch with her higher self. Synchronicity started happening in all aspects of Carolina’s life bringing a sequence of wonderful events like the improvement of her relationships, a new school experience, living out of the country for a year, and learning a new language. Carolina today understands that she can organize the emotions in her body for a better relationship with her surroundings.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Abundance Journey - Regina, 36 years old, Fort Lauderdale,FL - USA.

Regina’s abundance journey happened after her fourth session with me. We found out that Regina was trapped in the belief that she could not have all and that she had to work very hard for everything. This belief was making her very sad and resistant to anything that could possibly be hers. We cleared the negative belief that she had about wealth.  A few days later she called me to tell me that she received a money gift from an unknown source. Since then, Regina leaves a synchronized and abundant life.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Phobia Cure - Joana, 45 years old, Fort Lauderdade, FL - USA

After many years of dealing with phobias, Joana decided to look for help. In our first session, Joana discovered that she was suffering from more than six types of phobia and we were able to clean what was stored in her cells. During this first session Joana also understood that she could accept the darkness fully because her whole presence was able to deal with that out of balance chemistry in her body. I trained Joana how to be conscious at the moment of the crisis in case it would ever come back. Today Joana is a very grateful being embracing each moment with high vibrant energy, and bringing purpose to her voyage. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Power of Coaching, William, 42 years old, Florida, USA.

William lost all he had due to intense night life and drug abuse. He was forced to take a break from everything to look for answers. His decision was to live in nature recovering from his illness. He improved tremendously with weekly life coaching therapy, and learned how to work with himself. During the sessions he discovered that he was trapped in many different emotions located in his upper body.  William was dealing with deep selfishness, competition, and sorrow from a relationship.    By then, we spaced out the therapy from weekly to monthly. Upon discovering happiness inside, William recognized he could do all he thought. Today, William is a very happy person living his life with a lot of pride, making a very good living, and sharing his happiness with everyone, and showing them how important they are.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Physical Journey, Joel, 50 years old, Florida, USA

Joel, a chiropractor who came to me for a physical journey, had his life changed after he went through an hour and a half of deep healing therapy.  I called him two days later for a follow up and he told me that he was feeling in touch with his spirituality and very much in balance.  During the session Joel went back to the time of his delivery and saw that there were birth complications. He was a breech baby and so it was a forceps delivery. He had a broken shoulder as a result. During the therapy he forgave all the people involved in his birth and accepted him getting in balance using his mind, body and emotions. Joel is now a stable business man who profoundly embraces his profession and gratefully heals his patients.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Life Purpose Therapy, Giulia, 48 years old, Florida, USA.

Giulia came to me for a life purpose session and during the hour therapy she discovered that between zero and conception she felt herself as a white angel and recognized the existence of other angels as messengers.  One of Giulia’s issues was difficulty with direction. She was often getting lost in traffic or having trouble finding places. After a few days of processing and healing, Giulia called me to let me know how comfortable she was already feeling that she was going to easily get to places that she had to get to. Knowing and feeling the presence of these collective angels she accepted more security in her life. Giulia now chose to more deeply work on herself to clarify issues from the past because she now knows that like security, any other emotions can be healed.