
Monday, June 11, 2012

Emotional Journey – Carmen, 50 years old, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Carmen came to see me because she was having issues with her father and could no longer deal with it alone. During our first session she discovered that she was blocking the relationship by rejecting her father’s love in the way he could give it to her. She heard her soul telling her that she was ready to declare her love for him through communication. A few days later they happened to bump into each other and she felt that somehow he knew that she had changed and was ready to accept his love. She hugged him and told him “I love you”. She later accepted a position within his well established business and she is now working with him on a full time basis and helping him to expand the business even more. Through continued therapy sessions she discovered that she wanted to study spirituality in order to further her healing and to understand the process of life.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Life Coaching – Henrique, 14 years old, Miami Beach, Florida

Henrique’s mother called me and pre-booked five sessions for him. Henrique was aggressive, addicted to computer games, and had no social interaction. He became more opened after each session and understood that unconditional love was on standby inside of him. In our third meeting he told me how beautiful the sky, the wind, and the trees were and how he realized that he could play outside with other kids. He mentioned that he no longer wanted to keep his bedroom door locked and so I suggested that he could experiment leaving the door a little bit opened to see how he would feel about it, and to observe how others would respect his space. Henrique was also concerned whether their dog would respect his space. I told him that he would have to train the dog what his space preference was.  In our last session he was proud to let me know that he no longer wanted to play computer games and that he was ready to play sports outside with a group of friends he choose to be with. He mentioned that the dog was the first one to respect his change. Henrique is now leaving a free life and understands that he can be happy anywhere.