
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life Coach - Lourdes, 55 years old, Berlin, Germany.

Lourdes was referred to me by a client of mine. Lourdes and I decided to do a life coaching session by phone because  this would be more appropriate to release all the family issues. She was ready for the process and accepting every step of it. She discovered her weaknesses and how it was affecting the dynamics of  her family. She realized that she was emotionally unstable  and was allowing the external world to dictate her life.  Now she is grateful for her family and understanding how simple it is to live life. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Emotional Journey - Lauren, 14 year-old, Nitero'i, Brazil.

Lauren was a very shy person and had a lot of anger. Her mother asked me for help. During the process  Lauren could not understand the meaning of God. She was really lost. It took  her forty minutes to open up for the healing that was going to take place. Then she started smiling and said that there was a possibility that she could feel the Light. The process continued and she recognized  the presence of her father in her life by accepting and forgiving him, feeling proud of the being that he is.  She also started expressing love by hugging him daily. After this process Lauren made the decision of going to Europe to study for a year and is doing very well.